Our People, Our Stories
International Chefs Day 2024

Chefs Worth Celebrating This International Chefs Day

This International Chefs Day, meet the Truluck’s chefs bringing exquisite flavors and a passion for culinary craft to every dish.

left to right Chefs Samir, Michael, Thomas and Manny with Gracie in the background.

At Truluck’s, we love to celebrate all of life’s moments, both big and small. And for us, a meal shared together with friends and loved ones is a moment worth celebrating in and of itself.

Whether you come to Truluck’s to celebrate Florida stone crab season (now through May 1) or indulge in one of our classic seafood dishes, our dedicated team of chefs puts everything into its collective craft to ensure an exceptional meal.

Take it from Corporate Executive Chef Thomas Dritsas. “Working with such a driven group of chefs is one of the most rewarding aspects of my job,” he says. “The team’s abilities, dedication and passion for culinary excellence, as well as guest obsession, continually inspire and challenge us to elevate and evolve the Truluck’s experience forward. I truly have the privilege of working alongside some of the most remarkable chefs in the industry.”

chef thomas with his elbow up on the kitchen line shelf

In honor of International Chefs Day, we’re celebrating our remarkable chefs at our Truluck’s locations around the country who cook passion into every dish.

For 17 years, Director of Culinary Operations Chef Samir Canaan has led the Truluck’s kitchen to evolve our menu with dishes that emphasize flavors and culinary techniques that offer a new, sometimes unexpected, dining experience.

picture of Chef Samir Canaan, Truluck's Chef Partner.

“Food brings people together more than anything else. Truluck’s chefs’ expertise in preparing seafood and steak can inspire you to learn new techniques and improve your skills,” he says. “And our menu’s unexpected pairings, like seafood with sweet or spicy elements, can encourage you to experiment with new flavor combinations.”

It’s one reason why Truluck’s miso seabass is Florida Regional Chef Partner Odel Arencibia’s favorite dish.

“The complexity of the dish itself is a great dish not only from the guest standpoint but also the skill set that is required to make it perfect,” he says. “The usage of unique, high-quality ingredients, and the challenge of preserving what makes those ingredients special in every form of preparation and handling to achieve the ultimate goal of bringing the best final product to the table—it’s why the miso seabass is my favorite item to make.”

Chef Odel of Truluck's Miami garnishing a miso seabass in the back of house kitchen

Dallas Regional Chef Partner Manny Vera has worked at Truluck’s for 26 years and continues to be inspired by food’s power to bring people together. “The overall experience of bringing family, friends and first-time dates to a common area for food and laughs—food brings people of all walks of life to enjoy a meal and each other’s company.”

Chef Manny of DFW in the kitchen prepping something yummy

And to be successful in the industry, Chef Manny says you need passion and must be teachable. Austin Regional Chef Part Michael Cerny agrees.

“Just get out there and work in different kitchens with different chefs. Those experiences will help round out your knowledge. Being able to make adjustments on the fly is crucial,” Chef Michael says.

Chef Mike with Chef Thomas and the expo Liz in the back of house kitchen

For Chef Partner Paigton Wilson, the evolution of dishes and Truluck’s menu is the most exciting part of her job.

“Nothing stays the same, and we are constantly looking for the next best thing,” she says. “We source all our products, and the quality and freshness are so important. For example, we get stone crab flown in, and guests are eating it within 24 to 48 hours upon us placing an order. Knowing that guests are eating the freshest product is exciting to me.”

Chef Paigton of Truluck's Southlake cooking on saute

Chef Partner Misael Ramirez agrees. “What I like about the Truluck’s menu is that it continuously changes, which allows me to learn new things and consumers to try new things,” he says. But what inspires him most is the art of presentation behind every dish and the deep love and passion that all chefs give to their creations.

chef Misael Ramirez in his chef coat in the dining room

For Executive Chef Darryl Abraham and Chef Partner Shane Flynn, the aftermath of cooking is what brings the most joy.

“I love seeing satisfaction on people’s faces,” Chef Darryl says.

Chef Darryl of Truluck's DC in a black chef coat standing in front of the wine wall

Chef Shane agrees. “The look on people’s face and their reaction when they eat something incredible that we cooked makes me feel great about what we do,” he says. “Cooking amazing food is a love language.”

Chef Shane of Trulucks Woodlands holding up a large live lobster in the kitchen

Executive Chef Justin Valladarez says Truluck’s goes above and beyond to ensure that every guest has a “wow” moment, no matter which location you dine at.

“My inspiration in the menu is how we try to meet all guest needs. There is not really one avenue that we have not ventured down to make sure anyone can enjoy our wonderful restaurant,” he says.

Headshot of Chef Justin of Plano in his chef coat in front of the lit up bar

When it comes to being a chef, Executive Chef Nick McGuire loves the grind of working in a kitchen.

“The dedication I see in this industry is unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and I believe it transfers itself into the food,” Chef Nick says. “I love the fact that there are people out there with very little sleep and about to work a 14-hour shift and are still full of energy and spirit for what they are about to do. The best way to learn and grow in this field is to take it all on the chin and just keep pushing. The speed will come with repetition. Just focus on the recipes and the cooking process of why things work and pair together.”

Chef Nick of Truluck's Austin garnishing entrees in the expo windo

“Explore and learn as much as possible while you are young,” says Sous Chef Jonathan Abrevaya. “Be the chef you always wanted to work for.”

Sous chef Jonathan of Naples working on the line and plating up entrees

Along with gaining experience in the kitchen, Sous Chef Kris Bell says being a chef requires passion, organization and communication. “You genuinely must enjoy what you do daily, and organization is huge for everything you do,” he says. “You also have to be communicative because it’s not just you. It’s a team, and you must be able to express what you want and what’s going to happen to each ingredient and dish.”

sous chef Kris Bell with Chef P of Southlake in front of the restaurant front door kneeling

Executive Chef Dominique Jackson was always in the kitchen as a kid. “I knew from the beginning cooking was something I loved,” he says. Now, he gets to live out his culinary dreams at Truluck’s.

“When I moved to Austin, Texas, I researched the best restaurant in the city. After reading about Truluck’s and speaking with a few employees, I knew this would be the best choice for me to grow and become a great chef,” Chef Dominique says.

Chef Dominque of Truluck's Arboretum in a black chef coat with his arms crossed standing in front of the bar

The level of service and care for guests, as well as the attention to detail in every ingredient, is what drew Executive Chef Joe Mora to Truluck’s. And because the food industry is always evolving, Chef Joe loves to push dishes at Truluck’s further.

“We are still finding ways to improve dishes and different ways to cook ingredients. You can take a simple dish, change one or two ingredients, and get a completely different dish,” he says.

Chef Joe of Truluck's Fort Lauderdale standing in front of the bar with his arms crossed

When it comes to ingredients, Executive Chef Javier Fuentes also feels inspired—and reflective. Food is a trigger to memories.

“Getting to use the best ingredients in the market inspires my creativity. Shrimp campechana is my favorite menu item to make. It brings me back to my childhood days when I used to make it with my mother.”

Chef Javier with his Truluck's Rosemont team on the line in the kitchen

“This industry isn’t for everyone, and that makes me hungry to pursue it at the highest level,” says Executive Chef Estephan Fernandez. “Life is what you make it. If you devote yourself to your craft, train and develop your team, consistently bringing the same level of drive and dedication daily, you will be successful.”

Chef Estephan of Truluck's Dallas with his culinary team in the kitchen

Taste the remarkable creations from Truluck’s chefs and make a reservation today. Your table is waiting.